The Beginning

Some years ago, our staff began speaking about the need to create a special identity in our school. We felt that we could do something special with agriculture. We created a dream board in the staff room for the Altario School of Agriculture and brainstormed several ideas of where we could go with an agriculture focus. One of the reasons for this focus was because we noticed that although many of our students wanted careers in agriculture, they were unsure of the many career pathways available to them. 

We Started with a Garden

In the fall of 2016, we decided to turn the old outdoor arena into a community/school garden. That fall we received a tulip grant celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday. At the opening ceremony of the garden we reflected on the quotation: “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow” from Audrey Hepburn. As a staff, we chose this quotation because we felt it was a symbol of hope for our school and community. Each year the different divisions of our school plant and harvest a garden. Several community members also have plots in our garden and help maintain the garden over the summer months. The produce from the school plots are put into our hot lunch program.

 Tulip Planting

Community Meeting

On February 1, 2017, we had a community meeting where we Re-Imagined Altario. Students shared their ideas in the afternoon, and over thirty community members did the same that evening. We had a graphic recorder create a vision board for the school and community and this has become our directive for moving forward.

One of the strongest desires at the meeting and a  theme that kept on repeating itself was the celebration of our agricultural heritage.

All of this growth and focus on agriculture in Altario School is a response to much planning and the direction set by the community in February 2017. It is meant first and foremost to enhance the educational experience of our Altario students.

PLRD Pride Newsletter - Volume 4, Issue 3, February 2019 (Revised).pdf