School Farm

May 30, 2024

Just went we thought all the ewes had surprised us with this black and white cutie!

May 17, 2024

Students Asked for a Horse...

Several students have asked if we could have a horse at school, and while we weren't quite prepared to have a horse fulltime, we boarded Princess for the past week.

Students did grooming, painting, and riding with Princess. They also watched hoof trimming, fed, and cared for her!

Thanks to the Westerlund family for sharing Princess with us!

May 7, 2024

New additions to the farm arrived today. Partridge Chantecler chicks!

April 26, 2024

A beautiful morning for chores!

April 15, 2024

"This little piggy went to market..."

April 5, 2024

Lambing season has started! 

March 16, 2024

The chicks have arrived!

The Grades 4-6 got to enjoy new chicks that arrived at the farm. 

January 31, 2024

The school barn keeps our students busy every morning.

The elementary students are very happy to take their turn in the mornings helping the older students with morning chores.

January 14, 2024

Young Altario School Farmers Understand Responsibility

With temperatures below -40 degrees Celsius school events are canceled, busses don't run, few students make their way to school, and we generally hunker down and wait for temperatures that are far less frigid for regular school activities to resume.

The young farmers (students) at Altario Agriculture Academy do not take a day off because they know their animals need to be fed and cared for. Even on weekends, students make their way to school and do the daily chores. There are no days off in agriculture, and the students of Altario School are learning this at a young age.

Speaking with leaders in a variety of industries, I hear about the need for employees who have  a strong work ethic, who have a keen sense of responsibility, and have a drive for self-improvement.  Our agriculture program teaches all of this and more.

Not all Altario students will work in the agriculture industry, but our program is setting them up for success in their careers. They are future leaders of many industries thanks to the understanding of what responsibility is when you have animals that need your attention. They know they have to get out of bed, brave the elements, have initiative, and get the chores done!

December 14, 2023

Students learn no matter the weather, the animals must be cared for every morning.